Naughty Charis!
Woke up very early again
made me late again
though working time is flexible
but oso cannot like that misuse mah
Charis is wasting my milk powder
only drink 80ml this morning
and start to flip and look for dear
She simply love to play with her dad
as dear always able to make her laugh
Sometimes I wonder am I a bad mommy
now if Charis drink lesser, I hack care
I know if she is hungry, she will drink de
in the past, I will be very kancheong and bring her to PD liao
as long as she is happy and active,
I shall not worry too much for nothing
Dun want to give myself too much stress
I am already quite sian when ppl compared Charis with others
what is there to compared when all babies are unique and so precious
Took this morning, Charis look blur blur, too early liao

Took last week~ with her granny!

She like to cover her face with bolster or blanket
and wait for you to lift it up
It is so cute to see her do so~

I try to take Charis pic everyday!
as bb changes very fast
esp I look back her newborn pic and compared
Charis looks so much different now !
P.S. have you spot the difference of Charis?
She wears different tops beside "I love mum" tops..
She has outgrow the XL size too
Woke up very early again
made me late again
though working time is flexible
but oso cannot like that misuse mah
Charis is wasting my milk powder
only drink 80ml this morning
and start to flip and look for dear
She simply love to play with her dad
as dear always able to make her laugh
Sometimes I wonder am I a bad mommy
now if Charis drink lesser, I hack care
I know if she is hungry, she will drink de
in the past, I will be very kancheong and bring her to PD liao
as long as she is happy and active,
I shall not worry too much for nothing
Dun want to give myself too much stress
I am already quite sian when ppl compared Charis with others
what is there to compared when all babies are unique and so precious
Took this morning, Charis look blur blur, too early liao
Took last week~ with her granny!
She like to cover her face with bolster or blanket
and wait for you to lift it up
It is so cute to see her do so~
I try to take Charis pic everyday!
as bb changes very fast
esp I look back her newborn pic and compared
Charis looks so much different now !
P.S. have you spot the difference of Charis?
She wears different tops beside "I love mum" tops..
She has outgrow the XL size too
More of my darling! Charis smiles alot, I love her so much~~~
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