Congrats to Yanpeng!
18 Oct 08, it is a day to remember.
Firstly it was dear younger sister wedding.
Felt so happy for her!
They should be enjoying their honeymoon now!
Secondly, I am such a silly mommy!
Can you imagine I have to borrow diapers and FM at the wedding?
I brought 2 diapers and 2 feeds.
But Charis pooped twice yesterday,
This caught me totally by surprise!
and each time she pooped, she will want to drink milk within 1hr...
Duhz, when she pooped 3rd time, I was thinking how,
Lucky there are a few babies around.
I managed to get her a clean diaper from a mommy and another mommy offer her a feed.
Her baby is drinking same FM as Charis too!
She is about 1 or 2 week older than Charis.
Thanks god, else I will have to rush home and missed the event.
Carried by her 爷爷奶奶
18 Oct 08, it is a day to remember.
Firstly it was dear younger sister wedding.
Felt so happy for her!
They should be enjoying their honeymoon now!
Secondly, I am such a silly mommy!
Can you imagine I have to borrow diapers and FM at the wedding?
I brought 2 diapers and 2 feeds.
But Charis pooped twice yesterday,
This caught me totally by surprise!
and each time she pooped, she will want to drink milk within 1hr...
Duhz, when she pooped 3rd time, I was thinking how,
Lucky there are a few babies around.
I managed to get her a clean diaper from a mommy and another mommy offer her a feed.
Her baby is drinking same FM as Charis too!
She is about 1 or 2 week older than Charis.
Thanks god, else I will have to rush home and missed the event.
Carried by her 爷爷奶奶
Finally, Charis gets to wear her leggings and her cardigan
It was so cold!
Seems like I have missed out alot of Charis developement stage
When I took care of Charis over the weekend then I realised that she is able to crawl now, and now she want to try standing up on her own. I think she does not like to stay at her playpen, she keep trying to hold on to the rail and kicking her legs and pushing herself up.
Her teeth is showing up!
I can feel something at her lower gum (Charis bite my finger)
So what my fren said is true!
Fever + diahorrae = teething
Gosh~ so does it mean this is only the beginning?!
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