Yeah! I weigh lighter! lost 1kg this week~~
Dear still say I lost weight, must continue to exercise harder
still a long way to reach my targeted weight
Very tiring though,
have to wake up at 5.30am to pump,
then do on stepper,
feed Charis,
then prepare myself and leave home at 7.30am
Charis is back on her normal
This week she is taking 150ml per feed at every 4-5hr interval
and she will wake up once around 2.30am to drink too.
Yes, my beauty sleep is gone!
Yet all is worth as long as she is good!
Charis can turn from both side now!
but once she mastered it, she is lazy to do it
super 喜新厌旧!
and she is back to her trick when she is a few weeks old
when she want you to carry, she will 咳咳
and swing her hands in the air

Dear still say I lost weight, must continue to exercise harder
still a long way to reach my targeted weight
Very tiring though,
have to wake up at 5.30am to pump,
then do on stepper,
feed Charis,
then prepare myself and leave home at 7.30am
Charis is back on her normal
This week she is taking 150ml per feed at every 4-5hr interval
and she will wake up once around 2.30am to drink too.
Yes, my beauty sleep is gone!
Yet all is worth as long as she is good!
Charis can turn from both side now!
but once she mastered it, she is lazy to do it
super 喜新厌旧!
and she is back to her trick when she is a few weeks old
when she want you to carry, she will 咳咳
and swing her hands in the air

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