Coming to weekend
Everyday I am looking forwards to it
This mean I can accompany my darling every min
Simply miss her badly when I am at work
Time with her is so little everyday
aside from sleeping time
I have only 1hr to play with her
1 funny thing is that Charis love to talk/play with her dad
She can talk and talk non stop to her dad
and will scream loudly if her dad ignore her
to me or my parents, it has to depend on her moods
my dad is the worst, she can totally ignore him
guess he spend too little time with Charis le~
Dear has been teaching her alot of funny expressions
and she pick up fast!!!
both of us find Charis 'slim down'
hopefully we are over sensitive
dunno y she drink lesser these 2 weeks
sometimes she drink 160ml, sometimes only 80ml
on average she drink 600ml a day
for the past 6days, she pooped everday
i am so happy! crazy mother!
happy over shit! haha~~
Dear massage her everynight, and after her night feed
she will poop!
Din know massage work so well on her
Should have do so eariler....
Charis developement at 3mth old
1) she can hold her head better
2) she keep wanting to flip
3) she like to talk alot in her language
4) she will smile very happily to u if she want to be carry
5) she prefer to sit up than lying down
6) she like to pull her top up, count her finger and play with her "smelly smelly"
P.S I have taken alot of Charis pic, will post her pics later~
Everyday I am looking forwards to it
This mean I can accompany my darling every min
Simply miss her badly when I am at work
Time with her is so little everyday
aside from sleeping time
I have only 1hr to play with her
1 funny thing is that Charis love to talk/play with her dad
She can talk and talk non stop to her dad
and will scream loudly if her dad ignore her
to me or my parents, it has to depend on her moods
my dad is the worst, she can totally ignore him
guess he spend too little time with Charis le~
Dear has been teaching her alot of funny expressions
and she pick up fast!!!
both of us find Charis 'slim down'
hopefully we are over sensitive
dunno y she drink lesser these 2 weeks
sometimes she drink 160ml, sometimes only 80ml
on average she drink 600ml a day
for the past 6days, she pooped everday
i am so happy! crazy mother!
happy over shit! haha~~
Dear massage her everynight, and after her night feed
she will poop!
Din know massage work so well on her
Should have do so eariler....
Charis developement at 3mth old
1) she can hold her head better
2) she keep wanting to flip
3) she like to talk alot in her language
4) she will smile very happily to u if she want to be carry
5) she prefer to sit up than lying down
6) she like to pull her top up, count her finger and play with her "smelly smelly"
P.S I have taken alot of Charis pic, will post her pics later~
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