1st week at work
Super tiring!!!
My office has moved to a ulu ulu place
I need to spend 1hr travel time to get there
and reach home very late ar 7.30pm.
Guess I will start work earlier so that I can go back early
Shall check with my GM
I was saying that Charis seems to know that I have to work
every morning, before I leave, she will wake up for awhile
Yes, she really knows!
5 days in a row, this happens!
And every night, she will wait for me to reach hm
Is this the so called bonding?
ML really spoilt me, make me very nua~
I really miss my darling, I want to be a SAHM!
To be with my darling Charis always!
To watch her grow!
I bought some toys for Charis!
LeapFrog Little Touch Learning System!!!
Seems vey interesting, will play with her when she is abit older
Hopefully Charis will like it!

Super tiring!!!
My office has moved to a ulu ulu place
I need to spend 1hr travel time to get there
and reach home very late ar 7.30pm.
Guess I will start work earlier so that I can go back early
Shall check with my GM
I was saying that Charis seems to know that I have to work
every morning, before I leave, she will wake up for awhile
Yes, she really knows!
5 days in a row, this happens!
And every night, she will wait for me to reach hm
Is this the so called bonding?
ML really spoilt me, make me very nua~
I really miss my darling, I want to be a SAHM!
To be with my darling Charis always!
To watch her grow!
I bought some toys for Charis!
LeapFrog Little Touch Learning System!!!
Seems vey interesting, will play with her when she is abit older
Hopefully Charis will like it!

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