Gregory is on nebulizer again :(
Gregory has been coughing since last week and the cough medicine don't seem to work on him. We return to pd today and Gregory has to be on nebulizer. No phlegm in his lung but pd commented his lung is a bit harsh and his 气管有点发炎,better to give nebulizer. As Gregory was admitted to kkh because of bronchitis once, pd was worried that he is prompted to this. He did added on that Gregory is very sensitive to 气管发炎 which he worried that it may lead to asthma hence we have to pay more attention whenever Greg is down with cough.
We rented the nebulizer machine home. Gregory is very co-operative. He did not struggle when we put the mask on. In fact, he fell asleep. I can tell that the medicine work well on him as he sleep longer after each session. Glad to see that he can sleep well :)

He knows that this will makes him feel better and at night he was waiting for me to return home and use it on him. I was quite sad to see him on it. True enough he fall asleep once the machine start working. :(
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Gregory has been coughing since last week and the cough medicine don't seem to work on him. We return to pd today and Gregory has to be on nebulizer. No phlegm in his lung but pd commented his lung is a bit harsh and his 气管有点发炎,better to give nebulizer. As Gregory was admitted to kkh because of bronchitis once, pd was worried that he is prompted to this. He did added on that Gregory is very sensitive to 气管发炎 which he worried that it may lead to asthma hence we have to pay more attention whenever Greg is down with cough.
We rented the nebulizer machine home. Gregory is very co-operative. He did not struggle when we put the mask on. In fact, he fell asleep. I can tell that the medicine work well on him as he sleep longer after each session. Glad to see that he can sleep well :)

He knows that this will makes him feel better and at night he was waiting for me to return home and use it on him. I was quite sad to see him on it. True enough he fall asleep once the machine start working. :(
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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