Bought some face towel for my little cherish,
12pcs @ $5 nett including normal postage.
It is cheaper than what I have bought in the market.
And it has more sweet color and design~~

I mentioned my detailed scan result is good.
Little cherish is growing very well.
Absorbing the nutrients well, she is 446g.
Biparietal diameter (BPD) (diameter between the 2 sides of the head) : 53.0mm
Femur length (FL) (Measures the longest bone in the body and reflects the longitudinal growth of the fetus) : 36.1mm
Abdominal circumference: 170.2mm
Head circumference (HC): 190.8mm
Abit on the high side, as Dr Wong commented she is more like a Ang Mo baby size.
As long as she is healthy and well,
I am very happy!
A picture of little cherish doing Yoga.
She is bending her legs towards her head.
12pcs @ $5 nett including normal postage.
It is cheaper than what I have bought in the market.
And it has more sweet color and design~~

I mentioned my detailed scan result is good.
Little cherish is growing very well.
Absorbing the nutrients well, she is 446g.
Biparietal diameter (BPD) (diameter between the 2 sides of the head) : 53.0mm
Femur length (FL) (Measures the longest bone in the body and reflects the longitudinal growth of the fetus) : 36.1mm
Abdominal circumference: 170.2mm
Head circumference (HC): 190.8mm
Abit on the high side, as Dr Wong commented she is more like a Ang Mo baby size.
As long as she is healthy and well,
I am very happy!
A picture of little cherish doing Yoga.
She is bending her legs towards her head.

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