Gregory went for his 6-in-1 and prenmococcal jab
He weighs 5.8kg @ 10 week old. Good weight!
He is on tbm, occassionally 1 feed of fm at night if he wake up
Normally his last feed is at 9pm and will sleep till next morning 6am for his next feed.
I am going to get a freezer again
Cos we have return to mil the freezer we borrow
Think I have to bf at least one year to breakeven..
Charis has been asking me to bring her go shopping lately..
Choose her own clothes
And change on her own!

He weighs 5.8kg @ 10 week old. Good weight!
He is on tbm, occassionally 1 feed of fm at night if he wake up
Normally his last feed is at 9pm and will sleep till next morning 6am for his next feed.
I am going to get a freezer again
Cos we have return to mil the freezer we borrow
Think I have to bf at least one year to breakeven..
Charis has been asking me to bring her go shopping lately..
Choose her own clothes
And change on her own!

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