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I am a hopeless wife and mommy
I worry when charis dun poop,
I panic when charis keep crying
I get worked up and upset easily, and poor dear have to suffer

Today dear bring up the question:
when are we bringing charis back to his hse
I dunno how to answer
Personally I dun like bringing charis back so early
afterall she is a newborn, still vey young
I dun want her to expose and travel around between his place and my mum hse
though it is only a few blocks away
but it is very hectic if everyday have to bring charis to my mum hse before work, bring her back from my mum after work
why not just leave bb with her
since it is just a few block away, ur parents can always drop over to see bb if they want
or maybe when charis is slightly bigger 4-5mth plus
it will be a better timimg
will this be too much
I am the ONE who been thru the whole pregnancy for 9 1/2 mth
I am the ONE who suffered the delivery process (i still have to wait him for one hr in the delivery ward) and the pain after the delivery
I am charis mommy, yet I cannot decide on anything


  1. don't too stress on yourself....

  2. correct. chinese said 30days confinment is to prevent mum and baby from catching any virus or bacteria from outside. so dont go out these time. koreans is first 100days lor...... so he shouldnt even suggest that to u when u are so busy taking cARE of a newborn. if he is looking at this msg...

    hello Mr, pls take note that yr wife has just given birth. still under confinment period. she shouldnt blow aircon or fan (by right) but i dont know if she did. anyway, to protect both of them, they should not step out of the house unless neccessarily (to gynae visit). so bringing to yr parents place, ask them to come after 1mth lah. now main priority is take care baby and mother. Not yr parents seeing baby.

  3. and i read further...... of course the one bringing baby to n fro will be tired. so to leave baby or not at yr mum's place, its for u to decide girl. if bring back home can have quality time with baby. unless u zzz at mum's place when u go back work. otherwise, alternate if u can. because so near its good to spend time bonding with baby.. if too far, no choice has to leave with parents.

  4. GOod that he has given in. Yr husb still v good and help u take care of Cheris too. And yes, her double eyelids appearing! hehehe


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