From dislike to accept him as our manager, this guy is a good man!
However he is leaving us yesterday.
Nobody for me to bully le. *laughing*
We treated him to Jack's Place for lunch.
Not a good place to eat, cos I ate deep fried fillet, french fries, coffee and ice cream.
All unhealth food!
Took some photo before he left.
Can see I put on weight, I look so round, though it was only 1KG weigh gained.
Think becos I am short ba :)

However he is leaving us yesterday.
Nobody for me to bully le. *laughing*
We treated him to Jack's Place for lunch.
Not a good place to eat, cos I ate deep fried fillet, french fries, coffee and ice cream.
All unhealth food!
Took some photo before he left.
Can see I put on weight, I look so round, though it was only 1KG weigh gained.
Think becos I am short ba :)
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