Today, Kolby is 28 weeks old. I have started him on solid food since last week. He has tried avocado puree, hipp rice cereal and pumpkin puree so far. He doesn't seem to like rice cereal, maybe he find it too bland. He finished up his pumpkin and started to blow bubble when i still continue to feed him. I think he is full. What a way to reject me. =.='"
Christmas is approaching but he is down with a flu. I hope he recovers before the party.
He is getting more notti everyday and demand attention. He can smile at my smartphone and clap his hands and give me high 5. These few days he is trying to sit up but failed. It is so fun to watch him perform his stances.
Christmas is approaching but he is down with a flu. I hope he recovers before the party.
He is getting more notti everyday and demand attention. He can smile at my smartphone and clap his hands and give me high 5. These few days he is trying to sit up but failed. It is so fun to watch him perform his stances.
Life without a maid is terrible. Especially on weekends. I have my mom to help out during the the weekdays, when it comes to weekend, I feel like dying. I am getting more and more auntie look but I can't help it. I have simply no time to look glam. 有心无力。。I have my first facial appointment scheduled. Something that I am really looking forward to.
Now every night after pump, I try to workout, however i end up too tired and my supply down. It is a blessing to sleep. Counting my time to kolby 1 yr old and perhaps to drop pumping.
My happy baby
Pumpkin and rice cereal. He finished the pumpkin puree
My 2 loves, having fun at the pool
my 3 loves
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