Haven't been updating on Gregory development for a long time. He is officially off diapers since Dec 2011 except for night time. I think that will take a longer time since I haven't train Charis to wake up to pee in the night, maybe will start doing that after we shifted to our own hse. Like his sister, he is very cheeky. He likes to disturb his sister, esp every morning when Charis like to 赖床 and drag her time before she goes to wash up.
Gregory has started to speak in full sentence eg I want apple. Ant bite didi. Ah ma, I want drink nei nei(milk). Mama have money give didi. So fun to talking to him:)
Recently he saw Charis baby photos and keep asking us where is his baby photos.
I must sort his pictures out and print out some for him. Else can feel that he feel so left out and sad when there is no photo of him.

At vivo

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At vivo

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