I seriously think that I need to post this online. Cheapo mummy thought of saving some money by getting some milk powder and gripe water online. End up, this is what I got. So yellowish! Can see the difference when it is compared to the one my mum has bought from the chinese medical hall. Though the expiry date is due in April 2013, (the one my mum bought is in Oct 2013) who will dare to give their kids drink this!!! Esp when it is suppose to be clear!
Never mind, since I know the difference, I didn't give my precious a drop at all. Lucky, I just bought 2bottles to try, I can simply just throw away (no heart pain), and lucky that the FM turn out to be the right color it supposed to be. But I don't like the seller attitude. When I emailed the seller to check and verify, she has no reply. How irresponsible is she! She is holding her 9th bp on milk powder and diapers. Please watch out for her!

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