Baby Charis has arrived on 5 April 2008 in the morning :) A smooth and fast delivery, I would say! Of cos, it can be faster, if I dun wait for him Who??? Who else, beside my husband! Yes, my labor story! the important key person is not me, not Charis, not the gynae, BUT MY HUSBAND! Cos I waited for him ONE HR to rush to hospital before I start to push. Here go my story: 04-04-08, 9am: went for my check up, told doc that bb seems to move lesser, did a check and found the water level is low average, will need to induce these 2 days, so i choose to induce later in that afternoon 04-04-08, 5pm: went to induce in the clinic, doc forced cervix to open 1cm 04-04-08, 11.30pm: admit to TMC, doc checked, 2cm dilated only, and water bag burst.. Put on CTG, having contraction, but I cannot feel it.. 05-04-08, 1am: contraction start strongly but irregular, try out the laughing gas, it work on me, decide to use it. 05-04-08, 2.40am: woke up by sudden sharp pain on my back, wanted to go poo poo.. Wal...