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Yesterday I went to buy Nestle Rusk Banana
After I saw Charis keeps 'eating' her fingers

Look delicious~~~

It is quite hard but soften after soaked with Charis saliva
Must watch her to see if she bite off, scared she will choke!

Complained by mum that Charis almost kill her!
Charis is very cranky, wanted to carry, reject to sleep
Mum had a hard time taking care of her
Scolded Charis, and she responsed with her own way that mum / I really BUAY TAHAN!

Guess what she will do!?!?
Something really out of my expectation!
We didn't teach her that!
She pretend to CRY, making wu-wu sounds and pretend to VOMIT (like she is choked).
Lastly look out for my dad and complain to him
Despite her lack of sleep, Charis is still very active and alert when it is camera time!

Pictures updated!

a very practical piece of hand down high chair for Charis

Charis is trying to stand up and walk in her playpen
She has been practised for some times
Wonder should I get her a walker
(I rather against it after reading an article on walker affecting the developement but she seems 可怜 trapped in the playpen)

Crawling around and climbing up and down on the bed is her daily night routine.
Charis like to stand up tall tall and suddenly fall back to the bed, then she will smile happily

These 2 photos are taken while Charis is playing with her dad
She thought that dear is coming to catch her when he unzip the side of the playpen,
she crawled away from him and still not forgetting to turn back to see him


  1. Can consider getting those safety gate. Although still confined to certain spaces but will be a larger area lo..

  2. for me, I think walker is very dangerous!!
    so for both my kids,
    I nv let them sit in walker.


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