19 April 2021, we welcomed our new member :) he has came to us as a surprised gift. I got to know I was pregnant last Sep, at first it came to me as a shock rather than surprise. Firstly I did not thought that getting conceive is easy, for all previous pregnancy, I have tried ways and means to get pregnant, and now I did not even try and I strike jackpot! Of course, baby equal joy!!! We broken the news to our kids and Charis even cried when she heard it. My pregnancy journey is not a smooth one, at 40 year old, I feel my body is not prepared and weak for this pregnancy. I have bleeding for the whole T2 and pelvic pain for T3. Basically i need more and more bedrest and because I get to work from home due to covid 19, I did not have to travel to work or request any medical leave. 16 April 2021, I am at week 37 plus 4days, during the gynae check, I was already 2cm dilated, I am excited. My inital plan is to induce on 19 April as I am worried that the fliud level will drop after week 38...