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Showing posts from July, 2016

Updated on kopi kia

Kolby surprised me again by picking up a raisin and put in his mouth and he chew it before swallowing it. Why do I feel surprised with his action? Remember he was once refer to KKH because of his not good motor skill   and fine motor skill and his slow weight gain. Within a month, he is able to start independently, knowing how to use a pen to scribble and also picking up a raisin and feed himself. Maybe his weight gain is still not ideal as I don’t monitor his weight and height gain. Other than this, he is doing very well. I am glad that I trusted my mother instinct and did not bring him to   unnecessary assessment. I understand that the doctor in polyclinic mean well and they have to follow the procedure, but no doubt, it is also adding extra stress to the parents. I have colleagues who will see from the health booklet what is the age and things that a child can do and practice them with her child in order not to fail the assessment. Of course it is good to ...

Kolby can walk @13 mth

Kolby started walking on his own a few weeks ago.. He is so happy when he can walk on his own to me.. I am so proud of him.


It was a busy june and july for me. Sending Charis everyday to student care and rush to work during june holidays, taking day off to bring the kids out for some fun and as soon as the holiday ended, my green belt training start. It means that every morning is a mad rush to send gregory and kolby to my mom house and go to changi north for my GB training. Lucky it is only for a week. However in 2 week time, the madness will come back again for another 4 days. Quite like the green belt course, good to be back to study. Feel happy to learn more thing. Kolby started walking without help. This mean more work for me, maybe I will lose fats more.. haha When Kolby went for his 12 mth old vaccine, he was measured too small build and motor skills not good. He was referred to kkh kid specialist, but I did not bring him for review. I find that he is doing well, he is able to scribble with a pen right after I showed him how although he still cannot take up a raisin. I will teach him that too. ...