Going to 5 month of breastfeeding and it is really not easy. I have no problem breastfeeding my firstborn and second born, it was mainly because I was an exclusive pumping mummy. I realized it is much easier to pump on schedule. Coping between a full time demanding job and part time online shop, plus 2 older kids and a baby that latch on demand at home, I am totally exhausted every day. To make my hard work worth, I decide to blog about my experience on exclusive pumping and latch and pump. I have exclusive pump for my 1 st 2 kids for 8 months and 22 months respectively. I find it is easier if I just pump out the milk for baby, but with 3 rd baby and no maid, I decided to try direct latching during my maternity leave. I remember when I started breastfeeding; it is very tough in the early stage when I need to pump every 2.5hr for the first month. It gets better when supply start to kick in. Facing engorgement and sore nipples from pumping which can really make me cry and...