My labor story for Gregory is rather a short one. 9am: Went for my week 38 check up. Dr Wong checked that Water level is low, was asked to induce today. Pill inserted, arrangeed to admit TMC at 1pm 1pm: Reached TMC, labour ward fulled, waited for room. 2pm: In labour ward, nurse checked for dilation. Only 2cm dilated. Dear still have time for his dental appointment 3pm: Dr Wong came to break the water bag, only 3cm dilated. Arranged me to put on drip at 4.30pm cos dear is not back from his appointment yet. Everytime must wait for him :( 4.30pm: Shortly after dear is back, nurse came to put me on drip. Start to feel the contraction at every 4min interval. Dilation is only 4cm 4.40pm: The pain is getting worse and I have the urge to poo. Asked nurse to check, still 4cm. Cannot tahan any longer, asked for epidual. 4.45pm: Nurse was preparing the consent form, I have strong urge to push. Pushed a few times, thought that I have pooped and asked nurse over to clean up. Once checked, nurse to...