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I am so tired and worried

Charis is sick since last Thursday
Stomach flu!
Diarrhoae + vomiting + fever up to 40 degrees
Finally today she is well, no more diarrhoae and vomiting
But the fever keep coming back
and she refuse to drink water
What can I do to make her drink water and keep her hydrated?
She seems to wet less diaper and getting more listless
I feel so loss!


  1. Make some soup for her. Got vitamin n can keep her hydrated.

  2. Don't fret.
    Did you give her antibiotic? If yes, the diarhoea might be caused by it.

    2ndly give her juice, fruit, anything that she likes, if cannot force her to drink with syringe. She will cry but thats what we have to do- maddysmum

    3rd compress her regularly for her fever.

    4th you might have to give her soy based formula instead of regular formula coz lactose caused diarhoea to be worst. Ask your PD for a sample. If charis dun like then you give her rice water.

    Hope she will be well soon


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