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Happy Niu Year! ! !

Charis 1st CNY!
She had a lot fun these few days!
Until she is very "hong xin"
This little girl makes everyone so happy!
With her cheeky smile :)
and her 恭喜恭喜 hand sign

We have steamboat at our ILs hse
Naughty Charis is busy playing with the high chair
Charis first time staying out till so late
I wonder will she miss her bed

Our first stop is to dear auntie hse
Big bungalow with 2 dogs to "welcome" us
*I am SUPER afraid of DOGS*
Yet Charis seems very happy to see the dogs
Lucky uncles and aunties take turns to carry Charis
As her useless mother did not dare to move around the hse with the DOGS around!
To my horror, more people come visiting and they bring their DOGS too
5 dogs together barking away when they see each other
The loud bark scared Charis
Yet I did not dare to carry her back from her granny
Because the bark scared me too
Almost going to CRY le!
Dear see me so and finally we left the hse!

Next stop is to my God ma hse!
Here is much more safer
No more DOGS!
However Charis is already very cranky by then
Sleepy and hungry ! ! !
as she reject to drink her milk
I was telling her dad that Charis HONG XIN until she don't want her milk

First time I was Charis so fierce
She screamed and hit Dan!
When Dan wanted to play with her
We knew it well because she is very SLEEPY

My ah yi say Charis smile like me
Both of us squeeze my features together when smile
I must find my old pic to show dear

I don't like the gathering on this day
Cause today Charis breathe in the most 2nd-hand smoke
Though her dad is a smoker, he has never smoke in face of Charis
But today the adults just smoke freely
Of cos that is their hse, I have to respect the owners
I cannot do nothing but keep carry Charis out to walk walk
But seriously, don't they know the smoke is bad for their 3 kids too
Furthermore, there is a pregnant mother (my SIL) and a baby - _ -

Went to Yishun to 拜年
Charis is not feeling well
Her stomach is bloated and she only drink twice today
Plus she did not sleep well for the past 3 nights
She is quite cranky
So we cut the program short and let her rest today


  1. Charis looks so sweet n pretty in her hairband. =) Must be a sweet looking girl when her hair grows longer.

    So coincident, my ger oso having the same cny dress as Charis. Mine is pink color. :))


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