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What should I do?

I went to Metro Sales yesterday!
bought some Bfree milk bottles,

waterproof mat, powder puff and avent pacifier (0 - 6mths)

Suppose to be Bisphenol-A (BpA) free,
Turn out it is also under the list to be avoid too.
Well, what should I do now?
And those that are in the top pick list are not found locally.
Aiyo, why is it so?

Anyway the rest of the commonly used brands like
Avent, Dr Brown are also in the AVOID list,
there is not much options left for me too.
Still, I do hear from forums that those babies using Bfree bottles are able to drink more and dun burp after taking from Bfree bottles.
Make me so confusing now.
Knowing more is not necessary is good thing.

Today I went to Bugis to continue my baby purchases
There is a shop selling baby clothings at wholesales price,
bought 1 dozen of face towel @ $3.00
6pcs of long pants @ $9.00 (0-3mths)
6pcs of button tops # $10.00 (0-3mths)
6pcs of long pants @ $10.00 (3-6mths)
6pcs of buttons tops @ $11.00 (3-6mths)
1 pillow and 2 bolsters @ $10.00,

I bought 2 sets
as I saw the same selling at $23.90 at dept store and kiddy palace.
Little Cherish should have enough clothes to change now.

But Dear will nag x 3 again! ! !

And yeah, I love the baby face towel that I bought online.
So soft and lovely!
12pcs @ $5.00 include normal postage.
My best buy so far!


  1. hi! saw yr blog at sgmotherhd. didnt know tt u are les dames too. heh

    i like to check where did u get the wholesales pdt frm? the bugis shop. where is it near? is the quality gd? thanks!

  2. oh yes, may i ve the bb face towel url too? thanks


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