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Yesterday, I showed my mother the photos of Charis that I have captured for the past 1 year
The elderly prefer to have the photo printed out instead of seeing from the PC
This lazy mummy finally went to print out all photos
After deleted some pic, there are 300+ pic to print!

神经病, you should just print out a few.
Next time dont print 了。heart pain
Only one will say these words to me

Though we see Charis everyday
If we dont compare the pic of Charis (since birth to now)
We didnt realised Charis changed so much
Especially the hair!
No more of my little punky baby
Now she is little mushroom head

Some updates of Charis progress as of 12 months:
Charis takes one nap in the day, from around 12noon to 2pm.
Sometimes she may sleep up to 3hr.

As for her bedtime, We try to fix Charis sleeping routine at 9pm.
Normally we will prepare Charis to be on her bed by 8.15pm.
Letting her play with her soft toy on the bed, 8.30pm we will off the lights; and by 8.45pm, she will sleep and wake up next morning 7am.
Provided I give her a feed around 4am, else she will wake up around 6am and refuse to back. What we sacrifice: activities / outings planned have to be in the daytime, latest by 7.30pm, we will have to end the session. So that Charis will be used to the timing.
We have been practising this since she is very young, hopefully we can maintain this.

She is able to finish a bowl of cereal or porridge now. After she recovered last mth, her appetize improved. In the past, she take less than 5 scoops of cereal, now she can easily finish one bowl full. Currently she take cereal: HT barley cereal + Frisocream + HB multigrain for her breakfast and dinner. Lunch is 爱心 porridge (fish, pork, spinach, broccoli, potato, pumpkin, carrot, tomato, sweet potato etc) by her 婆婆. Plus she takes 4 feed per day include her midnight feed. Each feed is 260ml.

And she is able to:
waves bye-bye and kiss
say mama (when need my help), papa (when she is in good mood; sometimes she will point to her dad and say pa-pa), mum mum, ah ma (when she need help too). Her favourite is still mum mum
imitates sound using her tongue, coughs, kiss kiss, say ah after drinking water (like the water is so tasty)
holds our hands and walk around
stands on feet with little assistance

Guess what is she doing?

Praying! that is what she see us do everyday at home =_=

Choosing her dessert!

Kiss kiss!!

This naughty Charis fold up Dora fringe then kiss her


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